According to the United States Census Bureau, Old Lyme is a Town that is located in New London County, Connecticut at 41.31 degrees North and 72.31 degrees West.
The town's time zone is America/New York, and the town's primary telephone area code is 959.
The land area of Old Lyme is about 23.02 square miles, whereas the water area of the town is about 5.80 square miles.
New London County's land area is about 665 square miles, so the town occupies about 3.5 percent of the county's total land area.
The Census Bureau estimates that Old Lyme had about 7,396 residents in 2019, which is approximately 321 people per square mile of land area.
According to recent American Community Survey data, the median household income in Old Lyme was about $96,567 per year.
The Connecticut counties map at upper right shows New London County, highlighted in red.
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Old Lyme Products and Services Directory |
Selected Old Lyme, Connecticut Listings
These representative Old Lyme listings provide some insight into the town's cultural environment and economic climate.
Bee & Thistle Inn
- Restaurants
- Lodging
- Hotels
- Steak Restaurants
- Inns
Judge's Farm Nursery
- Lawn & Garden Equipment & Supplies Retail
- Nurseries
- Garden Centers
Kellogg Marine Supply
- Marine Equipment & Supplies Retail
- Marine Equipment & Supplies Wholesale & Manufacturers
Learn Pre-Kindergarten Program
- Schools
- Elementary & Secondary Education
- Elementary Schools
Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts
Old Lyme Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library
Pet Connections Inc
- Pet Care Services
- Animal Shelters
- Pet Related Services
- Humane Societies
- Animal Rescue & Relocation Services
Restaurant Design & Equipment Corporation
- Food Products Wholesale & Manufacturers
- Restaurant Equipment & Services
- Restaurant Equipment & Supplies Retail
- Restaurant Equipment & Supplies Wholesale & Manufacturers
Wilkes Group Inc
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* Parenthesized numbers indicate economic activity levels.
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