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This Delaware menu page provides access to categorized organizations that are located in this state. Most of the organizations listed on these category pages primarily serve, and employ, the residents of Delaware.
In 2010, according to United States Census Bureau data, the State of Delaware had an estimated total population of 898,000, which is about 0.29 percent of the United States population. 206,000 (22.9 percent) of these residents were under 18 years of age, 563,000 (62.7 percent) were between 18 and 65 years old, and 129,000 (14.4 percent) were over 65 years old. The median age of Delaware residents was 38.8 years, compared to the median age of 37.2 years for United States residents as a whole.
Delaware has a land area of 1,949 square miles, and 0.0 percent of this land area is occupied by National Parks. According to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service, 39.3 percent (490,000 acres) of this land area was occupied by about 2,480 farms.
The state has approximately 460.7 residents per square mile. Delaware also has 539 square miles of inland, coastal, and territorial water areas.
This interactive map of Delaware shows the state's roads and highways, while this map of Delaware and the surrounding region provides a visual perspective on the state's topography.
In 2010, according to the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, the approximately 412,700 non-farm employees in Delaware represented about 45.96 percent of the state population. 63,800 of these non-farm employees worked in the government sector; the remainder worked in the private sector.
Major Delaware Cities *
* Parenthesized values are an approximate measure of economic activity levels.
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