According to the United States Census Bureau, Columbia is a Census-designated Place that is located in Howard County, Maryland at 39.24 degrees North and 76.84 degrees West.
The place's time zone is America/New York, and the place's primary telephone area code is 410.
The land area of Columbia is about 31.93 square miles, whereas the water area of the place is about 0.26 square miles.
Howard County's land area is about 251 square miles, so the place occupies about 12.7 percent of the county's total land area.
The Census Bureau estimates that Columbia had about 103,991 residents in 2019, which is approximately 3,257 people per square mile of land area.
According to recent American Community Survey data, the median household income in Columbia was about $108,352 per year.
The Maryland counties map at upper right shows Howard County, highlighted in red.
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Columbia Products and Services Directory |
Selected Columbia, Maryland Listings
These randomly selected Columbia listings provide some insight into the place's cultural environment and economic climate.
111Carpets -- Wholesale
- Carpet, Rug & Upholstery Services
- Carpet, Rug & Upholstery Storage & Repair
- Carpet & Rug Installation
Ardo Contracting
- Plumbing Service & Repair
Atlantic Graphic System Inc
- Printing Equipment & Supplies Dealers
Boston Medical Corporation
- Medical Equipment & Supplies Retail
Capital Investment Management
- Financial Planning Consultants & Services
- Personal Financial Services
- Investment Services
- Investment Advisory Services
Colosseum Gym & Fitness
- Sports & Recreation Facilities
- Health Clubs & Gyms
Columbia Engineering Inc
- Engineers
- Civil Engineers
- Structural Engineers
- Event Planning
- Party Planning
Great Harvest Bread
Indigo Ink
- Printing Services
- Copying & Duplicating Services
- Bookbinding
- Color Copying Services
Joshi & Merchant
Love of Learning Montessori School
- Elementary & Secondary Education
- Preschools & Kindergartens
- Private Schools
Promo Works
- Business Consultants & Advisors
- Advertising
- Advertising Agencies & Consultants
- Advertising & Design Agencies
Skycomp Inc
- Land Surveyors
- Surveyors
- Surveying Services
- Land Surveyors Commercial
Syntonics Llc
- Electric & Electronic Equipment & Supplies
- Consumer Electronics Stores
- Electric Equipment & Supplies Wholesale & Manufacturers
Thermomax Solar Heating System
- Energy & Environment
- Solar Energy Systems & Services Retail
- Solar Energy Contractors
Top Flight Gymnastic Center
- Exercise & Fitness Classes & Instruction
- Gymnastics Instruction
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* Parenthesized numbers indicate economic activity levels.
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