According to the United States Census Bureau, Penfield is a Town that is located in Monroe County, New York at 43.15 degrees North and 77.44 degrees West.
The town's time zone is America/New York, and the town's primary telephone area code is 716.
The land area of Penfield is about 37.22 square miles, whereas the water area of the town is about 0.63 square miles.
Monroe County's land area is about 657 square miles, so the town occupies about 5.7 percent of the county's total land area.
The Census Bureau estimates that Penfield had about 37,252 residents in 2019, which is approximately 1,001 people per square mile of land area.
According to recent American Community Survey data, the median household income in Penfield was about $84,916 per year.
The New York counties map at upper right shows Monroe County, highlighted in red.
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Penfield Products and Services Directory |
Selected Penfield, New York Listings
These representative Penfield listings provide some insight into the town's cultural environment and economic climate.
Aurora Group LLC
- Financial Services
- Management Consultants
- Loan & Financing Services
- Financing
- Investment Advisory Services
Ciccone ROBT
Creature Comfort Pet Sitters Inc
- Pet Care Services
- Pet Grooming & Boarding
- Pet Sitting & Day Care
- Delivery & Errand Services
Fairfields Grill
- Restaurants
- Steak Restaurants
- Bar & Grill Restaurants
Flower Barn
Innovations Plus
- Business Consultants & Advisors
- Management Consultants
- Business Management Services
Jay Shorter Property Maintenance
- Household Goods Moving & Storage
- Lawn Services
Maid Professional
- Cleaning Services
- Bathroom Planning & Remodeling
- Housecleaning
Penfield Country Club Inc
- Civic Clubs & Organizations
- Private Golf Courses
Sweepstakes Consulting LLC
- Business Consultants & Advisors
Weather-Track Inc
- Attorneys
- Business Consultants & Advisors
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* Parenthesized numbers indicate economic activity levels.
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