According to the United States Census Bureau, Woodstock is a Census-designated Place that is located in Ulster County, New York at 42.04 degrees North and 74.12 degrees West.
The place's time zone is America/New York, and the place's primary telephone area code is 845.
The land area of Woodstock is about 5.92 square miles, whereas the water area of the place is about 0.01 square miles.
Ulster County's land area is about 1,124 square miles, so the place occupies about 0.5 percent of the county's total land area.
The Census Bureau estimates that Woodstock had about 5,804 residents in 2019, which is approximately 980 people per square mile of land area.
According to recent American Community Survey data, the median household income in Woodstock was about $72,712 per year.
The New York counties map at upper right shows Ulster County, highlighted in red.
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Selected Woodstock, New York Listings
These Woodstock listings provide some insight into the place's cultural environment and economic climate.
- Bicycle Dealers
- Motorcycle, Motor Scooter & Minibike Parts & Accessories
Idea Champions
- Business Services
- Business Consultants & Advisors
- Management Consultants
- Business Management Services
Karay Metal Inc
- Industrial Equipment & Supplies Dealers
- Industrial Equipment & Supplies Wholesale & Manufacturers
- Industrial Equipment Parts & Accessories Wholesale & Manufacturers
Letizia Vivian DDS PC
Miller Lowell
- Financial Services
- Investment Services
- Investment Advisory Services
Miller-Howard Investments Inc
- Financial Services
- Investment Services
- Investment Advisory Services
Pegasus Comfort Footwear
- Clothing & Accessories Retail
- Shoe Stores
- Boots & Safety Shoes Retail
Schaffer Excavating LLC
- Landscape Contractors
- Landscape Services
- Landscape Designers & Consultants
Tibet Aid Tibetan Sponsorship
- Animal Shelters
- Humane Societies
Woodstock Music Shop
- Musical Instruments Retail
- Musical Instrument Rental & Leasing
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* Parenthesized numbers indicate economic activity levels.
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