According to the United States Census Bureau, Ashtabula is a City that is located in Ashtabula County, Ohio at 41.87 degrees North and 80.79 degrees West.
The city's time zone is America/New York, and the city's primary telephone area code is 440.
The land area of Ashtabula is about 7.73 square miles, whereas the water area of the city is about 0.17 square miles.
Ashtabula County's land area is about 702 square miles, so the city occupies about 1.1 percent of the county's total land area.
The Census Bureau estimates that Ashtabula had about 18,017 residents in 2019, which is approximately 2,331 people per square mile of land area.
According to recent American Community Survey data, the median household income in Ashtabula was about $29,566 per year.
The Ohio counties map at upper right shows Ashtabula County, highlighted in red.
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Selected Ashtabula, Ohio Listings
These Ashtabula listings provide some insight into the city's cultural environment and economic climate.
Ashta Chemicals Inc
- Chemicals Wholesale & Manufacturers
Ashtabula County School Credit Union
Chapel Hills Golf Course
- Outdoor Sports & Recreation
- Public Golf Courses
- Golf
- Golf Courses
- Golf Equipment & Supplies Retail
Dasco Paper & Janitorial SUPL
- Party Equipment & Supplies Sales & Rental
- Janitorial Equipment & Supplies Retail
Delta Railroad Construction
- Railroads
- Railroad Contractors
- Passenger Railroads
Family Planning Association
Harbor-Topky Memorial Library
Healthy Smile Center - Melissa J Severino DDS
- Dentists
- Orthodontics Dentists
- Cosmetic Dentists
- Prosthodontics Dentists
Lake Area Recovery Center
- Rehabilitation Services
- Rehabilitation Centers
- Alcohol & Drug Abuse Information & Treatment
- Addiction Information & Treatment
Lake City Plating Company
- Metals
- Metal Finishing
- Metal Polishing, Buffing & Plating
Skufca's Body Works
- Auto Body Repair & Painting
- Auto Rental
- Towing
Tony's Deli & Catering
- Caterers
- Take Out
- Delicatessens
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* Parenthesized numbers indicate economic activity levels.
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