According to the United States Census Bureau, Hazleton is a City that is located in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania at 40.96 degrees North and 75.97 degrees West.
The city's time zone is America/New York, and the city's primary telephone area code is 570.
The land area of Hazleton is about 6.01 square miles, whereas the water area of the city is about 0.00 square miles.
Luzerne County's land area is about 890 square miles, so the city occupies about 0.7 percent of the county's total land area.
The Census Bureau estimates that Hazleton had about 24,794 residents in 2019, which is approximately 4,125 people per square mile of land area.
According to recent American Community Survey data, the median household income in Hazleton was about $40,467 per year.
The Pennsylvania counties map at upper right shows Luzerne County, highlighted in red.
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Selected Hazleton, Pennsylvania Listings
These Hazleton listings provide some insight into the city's cultural environment and economic climate.
Brennan Legal Service
- Corporate Business Attorneys
- Estate Planning & Administration Attorneys
- Real Estate Attorneys
- Title Insurance
Concord Plastics Inc
- Energy & Environment
- Recycling Services, Equipment & Supplies
- Recycling Centers
Degenhart Chiropractic Health Center
- Alternative Medicine
- Chiropractors
- Alternative Medicine Practitioners
Ema of PA
- Industrial Equipment & Supplies Dealers
- Industrial Equipment & Supplies Wholesale & Manufacturers
Hazle Park Packing Company
- Food Products Wholesale & Manufacturers
- Meats Retail
- Meats Wholesale
- Meats
Penn State
- Schools
- Colleges & Universities
Rowlands Sales Company
- Agricultural Equipment & Supplies Retail
- Farm Equipment & Supplies Dealers
- Dairy Equipment & Supplies
Ski's Car Audio
- Audio Equipment & Supplies Dealers
- Stereo Equipment Dealers
- Audiovisual Equipment Service & Repair
- Stereo Equipment Parts & Supplies Dealers
- Stereo Equipment Installation & Service
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* Parenthesized numbers indicate economic activity levels.
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