According to the United States Census Bureau, Kemah is a City that is located in Galveston County, Texas at 29.54 degrees North and 95.02 degrees West.
The city's time zone is America/Chicago, and the city's primary telephone area code is 832.
The land area of Kemah is about 1.84 square miles, whereas the water area of the city is about 0.07 square miles.
Galveston County's land area is about 378 square miles, so the city occupies about 0.5 percent of the county's total land area.
The Census Bureau estimates that Kemah had about 1,962 residents in 2014, which is approximately 1,066 people per square mile of land area.
The Texas counties map at upper right shows Galveston County, highlighted in red.
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Kemah Products and Services Directory |
Selected Kemah, Texas Listings
These representative Kemah listings provide some insight into the city's cultural environment and economic climate.
A-Zinn-Storage Center
- Household Goods & Furniture Storage
- Moving & Storage Commercial & Industrial
Alpha Leak Detection Service
- Plumbing Contractors
- Leak Detection Services
Bahama Rigging
- Boat Dealers
- Sail Makers, Fabric & Repairs
- Sailboat Dealers & Sailing Supplies
Bakkhus Taverna
Bayside Animal Hospital
- Clinics & Medical Centers
- Animal Hospitals
- Animal Health
Hoagie Ranch Emporium
Legend Point
- Building & Home Construction
- Architectural Services
- Marinas
- Water Transportation
- Home Designing & Planning Services
Meeks Outboard Service
- Marine Professionals & Services
- Water Transportation
- Docks
- Boat Service & Repair
Respect Gear
- Sporting Goods
- Camping Equipment & Supplies Dealers
Triad Marine & IND Supply
- Boat Dealers
- Marine Equipment & Supplies Retail
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* Parenthesized numbers indicate economic activity levels.
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