According to the United States Census Bureau, Bloomfield Hills is a City that is located in Oakland County, Michigan at 42.58 degrees North and 83.25 degrees West.
The city's time zone is America/Detroit, and the city's primary telephone area code is 248.
The land area of Bloomfield Hills is about 4.96 square miles, whereas the water area of the city is about 0.08 square miles.
Oakland County's land area is about 868 square miles, so the city occupies about 0.6 percent of the county's total land area.
The Census Bureau estimates that Bloomfield Hills had about 3,990 residents in 2014, which is approximately 804 people per square mile of land area.
The Michigan counties map at upper right shows Oakland County, highlighted in red.
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Bloomfield Hills Products and Services Directory |
Selected Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Listings
These randomly selected Bloomfield Hills listings provide some insight into the city's cultural environment and economic climate.
Art Academy
Bloomfield Hills Country Club
- Public Golf Courses
- Sports & Recreation Clubs & Organizations
- Private Golf Courses
- Private Golf Clubs
- Country Clubs
CBI Design Professionals
- Building & Home Construction
- Architects
- Architectural Services
Construction Association of Michigan
- Management Consultants
- Business Management Services
- Association Management Consultants
Covington Middle School
- Elementary & Secondary Education
- Public Schools
- Junior High & Middle Schools
- Educational Administration
Diversified Portfolios Inc
- Investment Services
- Investment Advisory Services
Grunberger Diabetes Center
- Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons
- Endocrinology & Metabolism Physicians & Surgeons
Keller Clinic PC
- Adult & Continuing Education
- Self Improvement & Motivational Schools
- Reading Improvement Instruction
Mackinac Partners LLC
- Investment Services
- Loan & Financing Services
- Investment Advisory Services
Michael A Robbins
- Criminal Law Attorneys
- Family Law Attorneys
- Divorce Attorneys
Progressive Associates
- Building & Home Construction
- Architects
- Architectural Services
Steve's Deli
- Steak Restaurants
- Take Out
- Delicatessens
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* Parenthesized numbers indicate economic activity levels.
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