According to the United States Census Bureau, Fredericksburg is a City that is located in Gillespie County, Texas at 30.28 degrees North and 98.87 degrees West.
The city's time zone is America/Chicago, and the city's primary telephone area code is 830.
The land area of Fredericksburg is about 8.60 square miles, whereas the water area of the city is about 0.05 square miles.
Gillespie County's land area is about 1,058 square miles, so the city occupies about 0.8 percent of the county's total land area.
The Census Bureau estimates that Fredericksburg had about 11,496 residents in 2019, which is approximately 1,337 people per square mile of land area.
According to recent American Community Survey data, the median household income in Fredericksburg was about $50,497 per year.
The Texas counties map at upper right shows Gillespie County, highlighted in red.
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Fredericksburg Products and Services Directory |
Selected Fredericksburg, Texas Listings
These randomly selected Fredericksburg listings provide some insight into the city's cultural environment and economic climate.
AIG Financial Advisors
- Insurance
- Health Insurance
Clear River Pecan Company
- Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt Shops
- Ice Cream Cones Retail
Der Lindenbaum
Frederickburg Artists School
- Visual Arts
- Arts Organizations & Information
- Art Schools
Headquarters Hat
- Clothing Stores
- Clothing & Accessories Retail
- Hats & Caps Retail
Heritage Place
- Retirement Communities & Homes
- Retirement & Life Care Centers
- Retirement Planning Consultants & Services
Hill Country SPCA
- Pet Care Services
- Pet Food & Supplies Retail
- Pet Shops
- Animal Shelters
Hillco Manufacturing
- Clothing Wholesale & Manufacturers
Huey Huether
- Information Technology Services
- Internet Products & Services
- Web Site Design
- Web Sites
Knaf Am
Navajo Grill
Texas State Optical
- Optometrists
- Contact Lenses
- Eyewear
Tivydale Business Park
- Real Estate Commercial & Industrial
- Moving & Storage Commercial & Industrial
West End Pizza Co
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* Parenthesized numbers indicate economic activity levels.
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