According to the United States Census Bureau, Manchester Center is a Census-designated Place that is located in Bennington County, Vermont at 43.18 degrees North and 73.06 degrees West.
The place's time zone is America/New York, and the place's primary telephone area code is 802.
The land area of Manchester Center is about 4.52 square miles, whereas the water area of the place is about 0.02 square miles.
Bennington County's land area is about 675 square miles, so the place occupies about 0.7 percent of the county's total land area.
The Census Bureau estimates that Manchester Center had about 2,211 residents in 2014, which is approximately 489 people per square mile of land area.
The Vermont counties map at upper right shows Bennington County, highlighted in red.
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Selected Manchester Center, Vermont Listings
These Manchester Center listings provide some insight into the place's cultural environment and economic climate.
Aeolus Animal Hospital Center - Robert J Wendell DVM
- Clinics & Medical Centers
- Veterinarians
- Animal Hospitals
- Animal Health
AI Squared
- Information Technology Services
- Computer Software
Badger & Associates
- Building & Home Construction
- Architects
- Architectural Services
Barnstead Inn
Bistro Henry - Call Bistro Henry
Bradley D Myerson Law Offices
- Attorneys
- Personal Injury Attorneys
- Criminal Law Attorneys
- Employment & Labor Law Attorneys
- Trial Attorneys
Carriage House Motel
Casablanca Motel
Chalet Motel
Flying Cow Signs
- Sign Dealers
- Signs Wholesale & Manufacturers
- Commercial Signs
Gremlin Fine Arts & Framing
- Visual Arts
- Art Galleries & Dealers
Long Ago & Far Away
- Visual Arts
- Art Galleries & Dealers
Manchester Country Club
- Private Golf Courses
- Private Golf Clubs
Northshire Access Television
Toll Road Motor Inn
- Information Technology Services
- Internet Products & Services
- Internet Services
- Internet Service Providers
Yarns For Your Soul LLC
- Crafts & Craft Supplies Retail
- Yarn
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* Parenthesized numbers indicate economic activity levels.
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